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RIBA Plan of Work 2013 – Introduction

Client satisfaction and understanding of the process is a vital factor affecting the construction industry’s business. Early days, every countries and construction companies were using different work flow and it creates conflicts amongst stakeholders. Therefore, Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has introduced a plan of work (Framework) to construction management professionals and clients to ease process by giving extreme clarity on each phases of project. The RIBA plan provides well-structured arrangement for a smooth flow of work. In this article RIBA plan of work 2013 is discussed in depth. It is being evolving progress.
As per 2013 PoW, whole construction progress has divided into 8 stages.

• Stage 00 – Strategic Definition
• Stage 01 – Preparation and Brief
• Stage 02 – Concept Design
• Stage 03 – Developed Design
• Stage 04 – Technical Design
• Stage 05 – Construction
• Stage 06 – Handover and Close Out
• Stage 07 – In Use

Stage 00 – Strategic Definition

The client must give clear instructions from the outset including: Time frame for starting and completing the project., The details of size and type of building required, The location/environment of the proposed site, Financial constraints and payment procedures and Particular requirements with regard to materials and standards. As per this it shall be understood that the importance of precise client brief. It is advised that, without confirming his requirement client should not initiate the project.

Stage 01 – Preparation and Brief

The second step is the planning of the brief by the client or someone on their behalf, authorizing the main requirements and restrictions. This includes the following;
• Naming the client representative. (Project Manager / In-house Consultant, Architect etc.) & Naming the Design Team Leader. (usually the Architect)
• Making clear the communication channels to be used & Determining the communication media.
• Providing contact details with email and postal addresses for everyone involved.
• Deciding frequency of meetings between Project Team members.

Stage 02 – Concept Design

When it is clear that the project can progress to the next stage, the architect will make some alternative suggestions taking into consideration the client’s wishes. These are then given to the client. The information should consist of Outline drawings showing the planned design & Clarification of the key point, Anticipated costs and time frame and Further deliberation of the suggested procurement path.

Stage 03 – Developed Design

The design is now developed to include;
• Investigation of individual room requirements.
• Methods and materials to be used.
• External requirements – colors / textures / style.
The Structural Engineer will require layout drawings identifying space requirements and some idea of services layout. At this stage a detailed cost plan, report, outline specification and scheme drawings are produced for the Client’s approval.

Stage 04 – Technical Design

When Building Control approval is received, the cost is estimated in more detail, and the remainder of the production information can be detailed. This includes All working drawings (architectural / structural / services etc.), All schedules (door/window / drainage / reinforcement etc.) and Specifications (construction procedures / materials).

Stage 05 – Construction

It is the Contractor ‘s responsibility to ensure that the site is organized in such a way that the construction work can progress easily without excessive delays and adhering to legislation which ensures the health and safety of everyone on site.

Stage 06 – Handover and Close Out

Upon completion the Architect and Design Team will identify any defects in workmanship or materials used and make final inspections. When the Defects Liability Period has ended, all the defects are rectified and the works are finished, a final certificate can be supplied. All remaining claims made by the Contractor must also be resolved.
The contract is now discharged but it may be resurrected if defects become obvious. The Contractor may also be required to provide information for settling final accounts with Sub Contractors. At this stage the Design Team can review the project and evaluate it in order to possibly improve future similar projects.

Stage 07 – In Use

It is about assess the entire process from commencement to completion. This evaluation is completed to make informed decisions on how design and construction teams can best carry out future, similar projects.
It has been realized that, Projects which are following RIBA PoW has lesser disputes (Separate article shall be available on dispute resolution methods) and provide better satisfaction for the client.

Written by Gowrinath.S  ©

