There are several types of bonds used in construction
- English
- Flemish – Single /Double
- Stretcher
- Garden wall – English /Flemish
- Header
- Facing
- Dutch
- Raking – Herring / Diagonal
- Zigzag
- English Cross
All types of brick works ,Bond types and Testing

Brick Laying for 9″ wall
Qualities of a good Brick
Free from cracks.
- A hard ringing sound emitted when two quality bricks are stuck together.
- Size and shape with straight edges and even surfaces.
- Well burnt (for hardness)
- When a brick is dropped to the ground from a height of 3.ft .It should not break.
- A good brick should not water very quickly. An ordinary brick will often absorb about 1/6th of its own weight of water.
Mortar mix for brickwork
Cement : Sand = 1:5 ( commonly used in Sri Lanka )
1 package of cement bag (50Kg) mixed with 5 gauge box of sand
What is Gauge Box ?
A container in which a batch of concrete, mortar, or plaster is measured and mixed.
Volume of a Gauge box in meter cube = 0.353 meter cube
Cement + Sand Mixing
Align Bricks Horizontally using Straight Edge

Align Bricks Horizontally using Straight Edge
Adjust 9″ thickness of wall using Gauge

Adjust 9″ thickness of wall using Gauge
Vertical Align

Align Bricks Vertically Using Plum-bob
Non Shrinkage Chemical mortar using to fill the gap between Brickwall and Beam
Ratio mixure | cement(50KG) : sand(1 gauge ) : 1 pack of cebex 100 = 1: 1 : 1
Chemical name : Cebex 100
Chemical name : Cebex 100

Cebex 100 chemical use for mortar
Cebex 100 is an admixture for site batched cementitious grouts where a reduced water/cement ratio and positive expansion is required. Applications include bed grouting, duct grouting, non-shrink infilling and jointing.
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